Sunday, August 26, 2012


Otaru City
Otaru is a port town of about 145,000 people in western Hokkaido located on the northern tip of the Shiribeshi district of Hokkaido on the Sea of Japan side of the island, facing Ishikari-wan Bay. This city was formerly called Otarunai (meaning "River of Sands" in Ainu) and was later renamed to Otaru (meaning "small barrel" in Japanese). A fishing village was established here during the Tokugawa period as an outpost of the Wajinchi district administered from the castletown of Matsumae. It is surrounded on three sides by mountains, while the fourth faces Ishikari Bay.

Otaru Canal
Otaru Canal is the symbol of this city. The gaslights and stone warehouses along the canal producing a beautiful nightscape popular with young couples. There are many cafes, museums, restaurants & shops as well as the brewery restaurant .Painters and other artists set up their easels etc

Buildings around Otaru

Mount Tengu
Take the Otaru Mount Tengu Ropeway to the top of Mount Tengu and you’ll find a ski museum, the Tengu Museum that features all kinds of articles relating to Tengu, the mythical creature after which the mountain was named,restaurant & more

View from Mount Tengu. Visitors can enjoy the panoramic view, especially night view of Otaru Port and Ishikari Bay
Ski Museum